We are back from Greenland. As it turns out we had an incredible expedition, but also had some difficulties (putting it mildly) with both the weather and our communications. This has stopped us from updating the expedition blog “live”. However, we have been keeping a digital diary of the trip, which will be uploaded in sequence to give you an impression of our experiences, as well as the discoveries during our time on site. The exceptionally precious fossils are now on route to Sweden and will unpacked, sorted and accessioned into the Museum of Evolution at Uppsala University. If you are interested in seeing any of the specimens first-hand, or would like to speak with us in person, please feel free to get in contact or drop in.
We would love to show you around, and the museum is open to the public.
Our 2015 Greenland expedition is also just the beginning. The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) has scheduled another trip for 2016.
This will undoubtedly yield many amazing new finds.
We will therefore keep this blog updated as the preparations and research progresses.
Please let us know if you have any comments or would like further information.